The Trail Companion
Fall 1999
Trail Center Notes
Trail Center
volunteers concentrated on the Castle Rock Trail
reroute project in Castle Rock State Park this
summer. We are nearing completion of this 0.7 mile
project and expect to fully open the new trail in
January. Community Impact Day 1999 on Oct. 2 gave us
the boost needed to get close to our goal (see
June 26
We began work on the
bottom portion of the reroute near Saratoga Gap Trail
with a small crew well-suited to the technical
challenge of yet another rock wall-this one had to
provide a stable surface across a slanting rock face.
We had to gather rocks from near and far to build the
wall. Dave "Dave-O-Matic" Kison pounded on an
offending rock most of the day while everyone else
hauled prodigious amounts of rock and dirt. If only
we had known how many large rocks we would uncover
just up the trail on the next build...
July 24
Work continued on
the big rock wall and beyond. We excavated at least a
ton of sandstone.
Aug. 21
Eagle Scout
candidate Jeff Whitsett brought out his Troop 005
members to build the first of three bridges across a
small drainage near the bottom of the new trail for
his Eagle Scout project. Jeff designed the bridges
and the Scouts constructed the bridge with recycled
lumber from an old water tank.
Meanwhile, the we
began work on the western loop of the new trail with
help from employees of Palo Alto firm
Instill, building two hundred feet before the end
of the day. Tim Oren led a crew to complete the lower
section and restore the old trail. They finished by
moving the trail sign once again-we had moved it when
we rerouted part of the Saratoga Gap Trail in 1995,
thereby confusing many hikers. Not surprisingly, we
saw quite a few people scratching their heads.
Sept. 11
Jeff Whitsett and
his Scouts installed the second and third bridges
while the TC volunteers built several technical
pieces of the trail in preparation for
Community Impact Day. The final bridge was built
in the middle of the trail and looks quite
mysterious-when we close the old trail above it, we
will use the old trail as a ditch and direct the
water under the new bridge. Until then, it will be
another head-scratcher.
Also of note:
frequent volunteer Justin Knowles entered the Crew
Leader Training Program and received his official
Trainee bandana. Thank you, Justin!
Oct. 2
We celebrated the
6th annual
Community Impact Day with two big groups from Siemens
and Cisco, organized by Erich Wood
Community Impact. For our part of the day, which
featured 52 different projects around the Bay and
over 4000 volunteers, we pounded out over 300 feet of
new trail-nearly all constructed by folks who had
never touched a McLeod before. Without their help, we
would have little chance of meeting our planned
January opening.

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Trail Center. All rights reserved.
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