The Trail Companion
Fall 1999
Theme: Trails and the ADA
The Universal Trail Assessment Process:
Current Status
As trail managers
and planners work to bring outdoor parks into
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), the first steps are not to "pave the
wilderness," but rather to evaluate current
conditions and provide better information about
levels accessibility for all users. Very little
standardized data is available for the typical park
or trail-most often mileages and trail names are the
only information available. Some maps such as the
Krebs Cycle Maps note steep trails with special
symbols, but most require guesswork and the
information found in guidebooks tends to be
subjective, rather than standardized. Beneficial
Designs, located in Santa Cruz, CA, has been a leader
in developing standard methods to collect and provide
data since 1991. Beneficial Designs created an
information-collecting system called the Universal
Trail Assessment Process (UTAP) and developed a
protocol for measuring trail characteristics and
distilling that data into simple maps, grade profiles
and symbols that can be posted at trailheads or
visitor centers (earlier described in the
Aug./Sept. 1996 issue of the Trail Companion. See
also an
example from Alaska's Chugach State Park)
Beneficial Designs
regularly conducts UTAP workshops for park agency
personnel and volunteers interested in accessible
trails. They train the data-gatherers to measure four
specific characteristics of trails which most affect
users: grade, cross slope, trail width and surface
type, using clinometers, tape measures, inclinometers
and measuring wheels. Each characteristic is then
measured at regular intervals. They also note other
characteristics including length and hazards such as
protruding rocks, steps and clearance.
- Grade: How steep is the trail? The
grade of a trail is measured at intervals to
determine an average, as well as a maximum. This
information is very useful to all user groups,
especially mountain bikers, families with
strollers, and anyone with limited walking
- Cross slope: How much does the trail
slope from one side of a trail to the other? Cross
slope measurements are most useful to a wheelchair
user. Both average and maximum cross slope are
- >
- Width: Wheelchair users need to know
if and where a trail is narrower than the average
manual wheelchair wheelbase width of less than 28
in. Average and minimum widths and locations of
narrow spots are noted. This information is also
useful for walkers and strollers; trail users in
all these groups can tell how much of the trail
they will be able to travel, even if the entire
trail is not accessible.
- Surface type: Is the surface hard dirt
or sand? The type of surface is recorded, as well
as description of its characteristics. Trail
surface can be a major limiting factor for all
kinds of trail users.
measurements are then combined to give a difficulty
rating. In this context, broad terms such as "Easy"
and "Difficult" have specific meanings. A flat trail
with deep sand could be as difficult for many users
as a steep trail with a hard surface; likewise a
slowly climbing or dropping trail with a severe cross
slope could be rated as very difficult.
The end result of all
the data collection is the standardized Trail Access
Information (TAI), which will help any trail users to
make their own decisions about traveling a
trail-including wheelchair users, but also families
with children, people with other physical
limitations, mountain bike riders, inexperienced
hikers, horseback riders, et al. In short, anyone who
isn't already familiar with a trail and who want to
experience the challenges of an outdoor environment.
Although the date could be used to simply describe
existing conditions, for park managers and trail
planners, the TAI can guide future decisions on trail
improvements and design to minimize the barriers to
Beneficial Designs has
teamed up with many park and trail agencies to
collect data and create a searchable trail database
on the Web-the TrailExplorer-which will give Trail
Access Information for a large number of trails. In
addition to the specific trail information, the
database will also have links to park information,
photos, and historical and cultural information. They
are currently processing data sent by the agencies
and plan to have the database running by June 2000. A
demo is available on their website
For more information on
Beneficial Designs, visit the on the Web at , or contact them
- Beneficial Designs, Inc.
5858 Empire Grade
Santa Cruz, CA 95060-9603
(831) 429-8447 phone
(831) 423-8450 fax
Although we have not
been involved in their data gathering efforts in the
past, we may collaborate with Beneficial Designs,
particularly on trails we have constructed or
repaired. If you would be interested in volunteering,
send us an e-mail or a note.
Related Stories
- Trails
and the Americans with Disabilities Act
- A Man
with a Handcycle
Building Access

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