The Trail Companion
Fall 1999
Trail Center and Wilderness Press Join
by Darwin
In early October the
Trail Center and Wilderness Press joined forces
to publish and distribute our maps. Why did the Trail
Center enter into such an agreement after many years
of selling our own maps? The answer lies in changes
made at the Trail Center earlier this year. As we
announced in the Summer 1999 Trail Companion, the
Trail Center went out of the retail map business in
June and does not currently have staffed office
hours. As part of a resource-saving effort, map
distribution was contracted to Pease Press on an
interim basis.
Even though the Trail
Center has stopped selling maps, we did not stop
producing maps. Unfortunately map production is a
costly business (paper costs, cartography costs,
printing costs, etc.). In order to insure publication
of the two maps currently in preparation -
Peninsula Parklands, 3rd Edition and Trail
Map of the Central Peninsula - we began to look
for "someone" who would be willing to publish and
distribute these maps.
The agreement with
Wilderness Press is good for both organizations.
Wilderness Press gets three new products and becomes
the exclusive distributor for Trail Center products.
The Trail Center benefits because we no longer need
to spend time on map production issues, but can
devote time to creating new maps. Furthermore, the
distribution network at Wilderness Press is much
larger than that of the Trail Center. This means that
more people can see our maps in a much larger
Even though Wilderness
Press will publish and distribute our maps, the Trail
Center still remains the author. This means that the
Trail Center retains the responsibility for accuracy
and updates. Wilderness Press is serving as a
publisher/distributor for the Trail Center.
We're looking forward
working with Wilderness Press. The agreement between
the Trail Center and Wilderness Press is good for
both organizations. Wilderness Press gets to market
three new products, and the Trail Center gets hard
"volunteer earned" map data published without the
extra effort needed to publish a map.
Trail Center maps will
appear in the Wilderness Press catalog beginning with
the Spring 2000 issue. You can request a catalog or
contact them at:
- Wilderness Press
1200 5th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
phone:(510) 558-1666
(800) 443-7227
fax: (510) 558-1696
e-mail: mail@wildernesspress.com

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Trail Center. All rights reserved.
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