The Trail Companion
Fall 1999
A Short Hike with a Great View
by Geoffrey
I biked and drove past the parking area for the
Mt. Eden Trail on Mt. Eden Road countless times since
first visiting Stevens Creek County Park in the
mid-80s-without ever stopping. When friends and I
finally did step onto the trail for the first time
recently, I discovered I had missed a terrific view
of Stevens Canyon and a pleasant hike.
Mt. Eden Trail near Mt. Eden
trailhead - click for full-sized
photo |
by Scott Heeschen |
We began our walk about
an hour and half before sunset on a partly cloudy
day, so we had the added bonus of a sky show at the
conclusion of our hike, but other times of day would
also be fine.
From the parking area,
the trail (actually a fire road) rises sharply for a
short distance before dipping into a bay-filled side
canyon. One can see evidence of El Nino damage here
and elsewhere along the trail in the form of washed
out creek crossings (since repaired) and sections of
destroyed culverts half buried under silt. After a
short distance, the Mt. Eden Trail descends to the
right; take the Canyon Trail (another fire road) as
it forks to the left and climb to the nose of the
ridge for the first great view up the canyon. On a
cool day, the relatively flat area on the ridge would
make a nice picnic spot.
As you look across the
north across the canyon, you are looking at the
possible future route of the Stevens Creek Trail as
it climbs toward Montebello. At present, no trail
connects the portion of the Stevens Canyon Trail
constructed by Trail Center and REI volunteers
(1986-1988) with the Canyon Trail in Montebello, but
the Friends of Stevens Creek, Santa Clara County
Parks and the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space
District are working on a way to complete this upper
portion of the trail. When it occurs, our trail in
Stevens Creek CP will likely be renamed to reduce the
confusion of Canyon Trails.
Past the flat area,
the Canyon Trail rises very steeply for a distance,
with a large and rugged limestone outcrop off a small
spur trail on the right about halfway to the
Limestone outcrop on the
Canyon Trail |
by Scott Heeschen |
Even on cool day,
this pitch may be quite challenging, but it is the
steepest portion of the entire loop. Take a moment to
enjoy the rock before climbing the remainder for the
reward of another good view spot on the ridge. From
the ridge, one has an even better view of the very
steeply sided Stevens Canyon to the west, as well as
the rest of Stevens Creek Park and Fremont Older Open
Space Preserve to the east. The rugged terrain
attests to the geologically dynamic nature of this
area. To the west, where Stevens Creek makes a sharp
bend northward, lies the San Andreas Rift Zone; a
series of parallel northwest trending faults extend
east toward the Santa Clara Valley.
From the ridge, the
trail drops toward Stevens Canyon Road. Although the
entire route was once a fire road, it is only
maintained as such to the ridge; this stretch is not
maintained as frequently and poison oak may encroach
on the trail. Despite poor maintenance, the descent
is not as difficult as the ascent was and the trail
passes through a pleasant bay grove when it crosses
another creek. The very bottom section is quite
narrow-watch out for poison oak and tricky footing
just before you emerge onto the road.
Although no trail
exists between the junction (unsigned) and Cooley
Picnic area, traffic on Stevens Canyon Road is
relatively light in this area and shouldn't be a
problem as you walk down canyon toward the picnic
View down Stevens
Canyon |
by Scott Heeschen |
You may wish to take a
brief side trip and walk up the road roughly 100
yards to view an impressive set of limestone deposits
created by a mineral-rich spring just uphill of the
road. This phenomenon is common on Montebello Ridge
and the surrounding area as water percolates through
subsurface limestone before emerging on the surface
and depositing its load of dissolved minerals around
springs and in streambeds. In some places, limestone
deposits quickly enough to create instant fossils of
leaves, twigs, and anything else that falls in the
As you walk down the
road to the picnic area through a stand of towering
alders, look for several bore holes in the walls of
the canyon (at road level). The holes have been
cemented over, but remain clearly visible.
At the picnic area on
the right, just before the intersection of Mt. Eden
Road, go through the parking area and pass to the
left of the restrooms. Although the restroom isn't
open except when the site is occupied, water is
available at all times.
If you have time to
spare, when you meet the trail, you could go left to
take the Creek Trail to the junction of the Zinfandel
Trail, which climbs up to the winery in Picchetti
Ranch Area of Montebello Open Space Preserve (1.9 mi.
one way). Otherwise, bear right to climb the Mt. Eden
Trail back toward the Canyon Trail junction, and the
parking area.
Mt. Eden and Canyon Trail area
[larger format
JPG and
PDF versions available] |
Excerpted from the Trail Center Trail
of the Southern Peninsula © 1997
the Trail Center |
- Total distance (excluding side
trips): 1.6 miles
- Time: 1-1.5 hours
- Elevation gain: 300 ft.
- Maps: Trail Map of the
Southern Peninsula (Trail Center), Stevens
Creek County Park (Santa Clara County Parks),
or Open Space Preserves of the Southern Skyline
Region (MROSD)
- Note: The Mt. Eden
and Canyon Trails are open to hikers only.

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