The Trail Companion
Early Spring 1999
Can Trail Building Save the Planet?
The Environmental Impact of Trails
by Geoffrey
As we hack away at a hillside and build rock walls
on yet another trail project, are we doing more harm
to the environment than good? Is building trails an
environmentally-sound activity or are we committing
ecodestruction? Are we encouraging stewardship and
support for the natural world with our work or are we
encouraging overuse (and abuse)? Are we encouraging
exotic species of plants to invade new areas? Are we
designing and constructing trails which will be
maintainable, sustainable and which won't cause
erosion? I have been reflecting on the environmental
impact of trails as Earth Day 1999 approaches and we
are only a year away from the 30th anniversary of
Earth Day. The topic has been one of perennial
interest among Trail Center volunteers. We have
discussed the subject during Crew Leader Training, in
Board meetings, over lunch, and while at work in the
field. Can we build trails and support the
environment at the same time?
A trail is a very
small (or some-times not-so-small) road. Some of the
same arguments for keeping an area roadless may apply
to trails. On a piece of land which has seen
relatively little human influence, any disturbance we
cause may have significant impact. During trail, construction, we
regularly uproot plants and scrape away the organic
material covering the soil. A trail may bring in many
more people than the casual wanderer, potentially
pushing animals out of their habitat and damaging
more plants and other natural features. Any human
presence will have an effect on an ecosystem, whether
intentional or not. We value parks and wildlands in
part for the very quality of being apparently
untouched by humans, but we change the environment
with every action that brings large number of humans
into a wildland. From this standpoint, a trail will
likely degrade the quality of the ecosystem, even if
only in its immediate vicinity. In the extreme case,
so many visitors will use a trail that the it will
become a road, either by design or happenstance, as
hikers in Yosemite, Muir Woods, or other very popular
parks can see. The broader the swath cut into a
wildland and the greater the number of users, the
greater the impact. The flattened newts and gopher
snakes on fireroads and other wide trails bear silent
witness to this impact.
By building a trail, we
may encourage the spread of invasive exotic plant
species, such as bull thistle, because many of the
invasive exotics thrive in disturbed ground. The
effect is most notable when trails are being built
through grasslands - thistles may choke the trail the
first spring after construction. Trail Center
volunteers have built two long trails in grasslands
in the past several years, one in Alum Rock Park in
San Jose, and the other in Arastradero Preserve in
Palo Alto. In both cases, thistle grew so thick that
the trails became impassable without mowing. The
seeds may have been in place before we arrived, but
our work opened up many square feet of bare soil
where the seedlings wouldn't be choked out by other
Like a road, the trail
may also have a visual impact, particularly in open
grassland or chaparral. The scar is most visible
during construction and for some time afterward, but
in slower-growing chaparral, the trail may be highly
visible for years after completion.
Our own project in Santa Teresa Park, the Stiles
Ranch Trail, demonstrates how a trail can create a
long-lasting visual impact. We needed to build
massive rock walls on switchbacks; the rocks blended
in with the hillside soon after we finished, but we
overestimated the width we needed to clear through
the relatively slow-growing brush and the trail could
be seen from miles away. Nearly ten years later,
brush has finally grown enough to soften the scar.
Perhaps the most serious problem we can cause in
building a trail is erosion. Again, like roads,
trails capture water and direct its flow. When that
effect is combined with berms, clogged drains, debris
flows or generally poor design, a trail can send a
great deal of sediment down-hill, whether in natural
drainages or new gullies. The amount of sediment,
even in the worst case, is usually far less than
similar erosion from a dirt road, but it can still
badly damage stream habitat and smother plants.
With all of these
considerations, it might seem obvious that the best
thing we could do is to stop building trails - and
perhaps remove the existing ones! In some places that
may be true. Over the past several years, the Trail
Center has, in fact, largely moved away from the
business of constructing new trails and has
concentrated on preserving existing ones. We have
also recommended against building trails in a number
of locations because the environmental costs would be
too high. On the other hand, the parks we work in are
set aside with public money, for the purpose of
serving the public in a variety of ways, including
recreation and trails. The people who have paid for
the park usually expect to have some amount of
access; without access, they may not appreciate the
land or see the value in its preservation. In the
Trail Center mission statement, we say we will
"foster stewardship of public lands" and our main
strategy to fulfill that mission has been to
encourage people's discovery of the value of our
wildlands through trail work and trail use. If we
accept that our work will have some negative impact
on wild-lands, even as we encourage stewardship, what
can we do to minimize that impact? Many of the
problems - erosion, destruction of habitat, visual
scars - may be inherent to trails, but the degree of
dam-age is often the result of poor design or
construction. The environmental ethic of causing
least harm is one which we aim to bring to all of our
trail building.
Sometimes, a trail can
be better for the environment than no trail at all.
Under the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), a project must be evaluated with several
options, including the "no project" option - which is
the expected out-come if existing conditions are
allowed to continue without change. In the area
around Castle Rock in Castle Rock State Park, hikers
and climbers have created a network of "volunteer" or
"social" trails around the sandstone boulders and
outcrops. These informal trails are destroying the
thin soil cover by compaction and erosion; the
existing trail is badly eroded and many visitors
don't identify it as a trail at all. With no change,
the great number of visitors could cause much of the
soil could wash away, with loss of vegetation,
slides, and visual blight. One of the Trail Center's
current projects is to create an attractive trail
that most visitors will want to use while the
surrounding area recovers. We anticipate that our
rerouted trail will concentrate use and reduce impact
much further than the "no project" option would
unless the entire area were closed off and
Good design is the key
to creating a trail with the least impact. Trail
Center standards were developed to construct trails
which will last a long time with minimal erosion and
damage to the environment. Before we ever dig a
single shovelful of dirt, we survey our projects very
carefully. We take note of any natural features which
we may damage or endanger, including plants and
rocks, and strive to stay away from them. We look at
soil and potential for erosion, including close
examination for evidence of earth movement so that we
can avoid causing or reactivating a slide. Our grades
rarely exceed 10% and we always pay attention to
drainages and water flow. We consider the
appropriateness of the trail for the terrain and
recommend against a route, or even the entire
project, if the costs appear to outweigh the
benefits. During brushing, we cut carefully, erring
on the side of too little, rather than too much; we
cut brush up and haul it away instead of piling it on
the side of the trail. During construction, we give
trail surfaces an outslope that will send water
sheeting down a hillside rather than concentrating
it, and install drain-age structures such as drain
dips and French (rock) drains to carry away excess
water. Our reliance on hand tools gives us the
ability to shape a trail and minimize scarring in a
way that is difficult to achieve with a trail
machine. We aim to cut only as much soil as necessary
and avoid dumping the excess material over a wide
area below the trail. When we finish, we use native
materials to cover disturbed ground and speed the
healing process. Regular maintenance and monitoring
can be a key to minimizing impact. Many erosion
problems start small, but if not corrected, can
destroy a trail and result in sediment washing into
streams. If the soil is fragile, winter closure to
some or all users may mean the difference between
minor winter damage and a major problem.
The Trail Center's
process of trail design and construction is not
perfect - we do make mistakes, but they are nearly
all the result of inexperience with a new situation
and we learn as much as we can from each problem.
Through our experience building trails in grass-
lands, we have learned that we can encourage thistle
to invade, and that soil exposed to the rains will
tend to erode more quickly than trail under tree
cover. We pay more attention to soil types since we
saw the clay soils on the Stiles Ranch Trail become
gullied after winter rains. Every project presents
new challenges and variables; we aim to intelligently
apply the knowledge we have gained to create the best
trails possible in each situation. As I have watched
volunteers come to appreciate the land through trail
work and have long enjoyed hiking, biking, riding and
running on wild-land trails, myself, I, have come to
believe that, in the right place and built in the
right way, trails can make a positive environmental
impact that outweighs their costs. My own support of
the environment is the result of time spent on the
trail. The more intimately I come to know a wildland,
whether by getting my hands dirty in building trail,
or as a visitor using a trail to see flowers, trees
and birds, the more I value all our wild places. To
quote our brochure: "The wealth of public land and
open space in the Bay Area is a treasure to value and
protect. You can join the hundreds of volunteers who
give back to the land through the Trail Center's
programs: trail building, restoration, mapping, and
other hands-on projects. Help build awareness and
support for trails and open space."

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