The Trail Companion
Fall 2000
Theme: Parks with a Past
Up and Down the Peninsula and South Bay
Camp 49, Mountain View
[within current San Jose, not the site
of the present Mountain View]
Sunday, September 1 [1861]
Tuesday, Aug. 27, we went to examine a hill east of the
head of the bay and north of San Jose [Mission Peak,
Mission Peak Regional Park].
Mt. Hamilton. |
It was both farther (14 or 15 miles) and higher (2,500 to
2,800 feet) than we expected, so it took us all day. The
valley looked like a map, and the head of the bay, with
its swamps intersected and cut up with winding streams
and bayous crossing and winding in every direction, made
by far the prettiest picture of the kind I have ever
seen. It was wonderful. Wednesday afternoon we took
dinner with Mr. Hamilton [Laurentine Hamilton,
Presbyterian preacher and namesake of Mt. Hamilton], then
rode to some sulphur springs and rocks that produce alum,
about eight or nine miles east of town [Alum Rock Park],
returned and took tea with him.
Tuesday, Sept. 8 [1861]
Yesterday was a most lovely day. We started early on foot
to climb a high mountain that rises behind camp, over
three thousand feet [Black Mountain, Monte Bello OSP]. It
was hard to get at, and had no water. We had a canteen
along to fill at a spring along the way, but we found it
dry. We took it up moderately, however, and did not
suffer much from thirst. We found tracks and traces of
grizzlies, more abundant than we have seen them before -
we were in paths where their fresh tracks covered the
ground, but we did not meet any.
Brewer's journal, edited by Francis P. Farquhar and
published by University of California Press as Up and
Down California in 1860-1864, is available from the UC Press and from Books on Demand, Ann Arbor, MI.
A good (though
fictionalized) account of New Almaden can be found in
Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose.
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