The Trail Companion
Fall 2000
Theme: Parks with a Past
Names on the Land
Part 1, San Mateo County
Oil Creek (Long Ridge OSP): Oil seeps
into the creek at numerous places (likewise in Tarwater
Creek (Pescadero County Park). In the 1860s, Pescadero
Creek and its tributaries were the center of
petroleum-mining excitement in the "Neblina Mining
Page Mill Road (Skyline Ridge OSP): The
road was built to provided access to the logging operations
in Peters Creek basin and was called Peers' Mill Rd. and
Rogers' Mill Rd. before Page took over in 1868. The portion
of Alpine Rd. west of Skyline and the northern half Portola
Park Rd. were originally called Upper Page Mill Rd.; the
abandoned portion within Skyline Ridge OSP was sometimes
called Stage Coach Rd. because it was built as part of a
projected Menlo Park-Santa Cruz turnpike, but was most
often known as Lower Page Mill Rd.
Peters Creek (Skyline Ridge OSP and Portola
Redwoods SP): Jean Peter settled near the upper
end in 1860. In 1955, the USGS extended the name to include
the former Devils Canyon Creek.
Pomponio Trail (Pescadero and Sam McDonald County
Parks): Named for José Pomponio Lupugeym
was a Coast Miwok from Bolinas, captain of a group of
outlaws who called themselves Los Insurgentes and fought
against Mexican rule. In the summer of 1823, his
headquarters were somewhere in the upper Alpine area
(tradition says in the Devils Canyon falls - one account
says the large cave at the head of the falls was "once
called Pomponio's Cave." Santa Clara News, 11/12/1869). He
died before a firing squad in 1824 and remained a hero to
the native Californians long afterward. Old maps show the
divide between Pescadero and San Gregorio creeks as
Cuchilla de Pomponio (Pomponio's Ridge); the
headwaters of Pomponio creek are located on this
Pulgas Ridge (Pulgas Ridge OSP):
Government geologists named the ridge in 1892, referring to
the nearby Alameda de las Pulgas, although the name had no
local currency until recently. A native settlement near the
present San Carlos called Cachinigtác, was
translated as Las Pulgas (the fleas) by the
Spanish. The name later applied to the land grant,
Rancho de las Pulgas.
Slate Creek (Portola Redwoods SP): The
slate-like rock (actually shale) prominently exposed along
the creek caused a small gold rush in the middle
A note on use of the possessive in geographical
names: The policy of the U.S. Board of Geographical
Names is to drop apostrophes "suggesting possession or
association...within the body of a proper geographic name"
(Peters Creek: not Peter's Creek). The word or words that
form a geographic name change their connotative function
and together become a single denotative unit. They change
from words having specific dictionary meaning to fixed
labels used to refer to geographic entities. The need to
imply possession or association no longer exists." (Orth, Donald J. and Roger L. Payne.
Principles, policies and procedures: domestic geographic
names. 3rd. ed. USGS Office of Geographic Names,
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