The Trail Companion
Fall 2000
Trail Center Notes
Trail Construction and Maintenance
Portola Redwoods State Park, July 15 and Aug. 19
We worked in Portola this summer for the first time
since 1994, when we put finishing touches on the Upper
Coyote Ridge Trail, which was built by the Trail Center and
the California Conservation Corps between 1992 and 1994 to
connect Portola and Pescadero County Park. Like other state
parks, Portola's trail budget has been largely non-existent
for many years and during that time, El Niño, wild
pigs and normal wear and tear have taken their toll. Many
of the trails are steep and narrow, compounding any new
problems. El Niño hit the Iverson Trail particularly
hard when several large redwoods came down on the trail and
closed it; reopening it will take heavy machinery and major
chainsaw work.
On our first day, we headed
up Coyote Ridge Trail. We were a small crew of five, but by
the end of the day, we had widened several problem spots,
including one stretch midway along Upper Coyote Ridge
Trail. One crew member met the infamous pigs near the
junction of the two trails where seven piglets were rooting
on either side of the trail. Their mother was down the hill
and grunted loudly when she saw the interloper. Piglets
squealed as they scattered and Mama crashed downhill
through brush. All but one piglet, that is, that tried to
make itself invisible; when it realized it was face to face
with a human, it squealed and leapt into the air in a
frantic effort to run away. We didn't meet any more pigs,
but both sides of the trail had been rototilled. The park's
head maintenance man was very interested in the account
because Portola will be participating in regional pig
control next year [see "Pigs,
pigs and more pigs" in the Spring 2000 issue].
Although we had offered
camping both days, no one took advantage of the offer in
July. For August, however, we had a small group of campers,
including photographer Alan Justice, who discovered just
how aggressive the Portola raccoons can be when he put a
bag of chips on the table, turned his back for a second,
and lost the bag to a big raccoon. He chased it and tried
to retrieve the chips, but the raccoon won when the bag
burst, sending chips all over the place. Alan gave up and
made lemonade by grabbing his camera for some great
pictures. Adding further insult, a park aide admonished him
for feeding the wildlife and didn't believe the story at
When it came time for the
trail work, the day was raccoon and pig free. We teamed up
with Community Impact to work on Summit Trail and a portion
of Slate Creek Trail. We had over 30 volunteers, so we were
able to improve numerous sections over nearly 3 miles of
trail. One crew worked on Summit most of the day, while the
others widened the tread on Slate Creek above the junction
with Summit. Only a few of the CI volunteers had repaired a
trail before; by the quitting time, they were pros. The
park staff was very grateful for our efforts and looked
forward to our return.
Thank you, Portola
Volunteers! Ed Alderman, Rich Allsop, Shirly Arington,
Peter Corsius, Dave Croker, Cam Daley, Jasper Dickenson,
Alex Fabrikant, Scott Heeschen, Linda Herrera, Alan Hshieh,
Francis Hsu, Alan Justice, Hanah Kim, Youngha Kim, Justin
Knowles, Lisa Laird, Leslie MacMillan, Stephen E. Muther,
Tim Oren, Pat Oren, Susan Pasnick, Joe Phillips, Taylor
Ray, Megan Richards, Ron Rogowski, Geoffrey Skinner,
Gilrico A. Sobrepeña, Gerico Sobrepeña,
Katherine Thomas, Greg Werner, Darcy Wright, and Robert
Skyline Trail, Sanborn-Skyline County Park
On September 23rd, a small but productive crew performed
maintenance on Skyline Trail (part of the Bay Area Ridge
End of the trail at Sunnyvale
Mountain...but not for too much longer. |
Photo by Geoffrey Skinner
Most of the work involved brushing out large patches of
blackberry vines, repairing the trail tread and helping
prepare drainage for the coming winter. Our timing was
fortunate, as a large tree branch had recently fallen
across the trail beyond where we had planned on working. If
it were not for two passing hikers mentioning it to us, it
may still be there. As it was, we had a chance to use our
Pulaskis and loppers to open up the trail again.
Thank you Sanborn
Volunteers! Richard Allsop, Jeff Birdge, Peter Corsius,
David Croker, Alex Fabrikant, Alice Gutman, Scott Heeschen,
Francis Hsu and Alan Shieh.
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