The Trail Companion
Fall 2000
Trail Center Notes
Trail Construction and Maintenance
Bay Area Ridge Trail, Sanborn-Skyline County
In late July, members of the Projects Committee met with
Santa Clara County
Scott Heeschen surveys new Ridge
Trail at Sanborn-Skyline |
Photo by
Geoffrey Skinner
Parks staff met with SC County Parks staff and Bob Powers,
Bay Area Ridge Trail Council's South and East Bay Trails
Director, to determine the rough route for the Ridge Trail
between the current end of the Skyline Trail two miles
south of Summit Rock and the Lake Ranch Reservoir. One
surprise of the trip was seeing the multitude of flags from
earlier attempts, including some distinctive flags left by
Geoffrey Skinner in 1988 or 1989.
We returned in September to
fine-tune the route, which incorporates an old road that
passes through an old walnut orchard halfway down before
entering private property. The steep canyons and ridges
made finding a good route difficult, but we believe we have
chosen a reasonable one. Final approval awaits
environmental assessment, which we expect to be complete by
the end of the year. If the route is approved, we hope to
begin construction early in 2001.
Thank you surveyors: Scott
Heeschen, Justin Knowles, Tim Oren, and Geoffrey
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