The Trail Companion
Fall 2000
Upcoming Events
Trail Construction and Maintenance
Causeway Trail, Jasper Ridge Biological
Although we had earlier announced that we would
celebrate Community Impact Day 2000 with a project in
the Peninsula Open Space Trust's Cloverdale Coastal
Ranch, POST decided the project should be fully
ADA-compliant, which meant further permits were
needed that wouldn't be approved until the beginning
of next year. Instead, we'll celebrate CI Day at
Stanford University's Jasper Ridge Biological
Preserve on Saturday, Oct. 21 as we join Community
Impact in constructing a 300 ft.-long boardwalk over
marshland above Searsville Lake This ADA-compliant
walkway will allow researchers and visitors to access
the wetlands above the lake in winter months; rising
water levels have regularly flooded the area in
recent winters, making travel to major portion of the
Preserve difficult or impossible. We will also
construct a retaining wall and raise the tread level
on a nearby trail also affected by flooding, as well
as trim back overhanging brush.
Note (Oct.
15, 2000): The project is full and no
further signups are being accepted.
Slate Creek Trail, Portola Redwoods State
We will make one final trip to Portola Redwoods SPthis year
on Saturday, Nov. 18, to build a puncheon on Slate
Creek Trail near the trail camp. The trail crosses an
area that is boggy all winter and most of the spring.
We'll install a raised walkway to make the crossing
easier and to reduce hikers' tendency to widen the
trail as they try to avoid the mud. If we have time,
we'll also do a bit more tread maintenance nearby,
including repairing a stretch damaged by pigs.
The final project for
the year had not yet been finalized by press time,
but will take place on Dec. 2. In the event of rain
on Nov. 18, we will try again on Dec. 2. Please check
the Trail Center website for updates.
Tool Party
Don't miss the first
Annual Tool Party, Volunteer Appreciation and Annual
Meeting of the New Millennium! It's time to give
our tools a little TLC after a season of hard work on
the trail, time to reflect on our accomplishments
over the past year and time to celebrate the TC's
17th year of building and mapping trails. The action
takes place on Sunday, Nov. 5, at Board member Scott
Heeschen's house in Campbell, CA (please e-mail for
directions) with the tool party beginning at 12 noon.
Help sharpen and repair tools (no experience
necessary - we train), or just arrive at 4:30 for a
pizza/BBQ and a short business meeting, followed by
spectacular photos by Dave Croker, Darwin Poulos and
Alan Justice at 5:30.
The Board of Directors
currently has a number of vacancies. We are
especially looking for candidates who have financial,
publicity or organizational skills. The Board meets
officially quarterly, with optional office work
parties on the off-months. If you would like to be
considered for a position on the Board or would like
to nominate someone, please contact us before the
If you would like to get involved with any of our
projects, e-mail us at info@trailcenter.org or call
us at 650-968-7065. See the Trail Building Calendar
for dates of upcoming trail events.

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Trail Center. All rights reserved.
Please contact the Web
Manager for corrections or comments.