The Trail Companion
Spring 2000
Theme: San Francisco Bay Area
Identifying the Mystery Plant
An Annotated Guide to Wildflower and Plant
Guides for the Bay Area and Beyond
by Rich Allsop
Sometimes, during a hike in one of the local
I find myself kneeling beside an interesting plant, a
colorful flower or unfamiliar tree, scribbling notes
and drawing crude sketches in hopes of gathering
enough information to identify it when I get home.
I'm not successful very often; if I find anything in
any of my books that resembles the mystery plant, it
turns out to be a species that only grows in salt
flats in Nevada.
After one of these
exercises in frustration, I find myself daydreaming
about the ideal Bay Area plant guide, which would
- complete, with color illustrations of every
plant in the Bay Area (and not limited to annual
flowers or trees)
- organized for ease of use
- detailed, with information about the animals
that feed on the plant, the habitat it grows in,
and other aspects of its natural history
- Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket
- Cheap enough to replace if it got lost or
There isn't any such book. A book that's cheap and
compact isn't going to be complete; a book that's
complete isn't going to be easy to use. The following
is a list of books I've found useful and/or
interesting, arranged in rough order of ascending
price and descending usability.
Field Guides
- Watts, Phoebe, Redwood Region Flower
Finder, Nature Study Guild, Berkeley,
- Watts, Tom, Pacific Coast Tree Finder,
Nature Study Guild, Berkeley, 1973.
- These two books are the ideal size and price
for nature guides. They use an illustrated key
system, a series of questions that, if you answer
carefully, will lead you to the mystery plant. The
tradeoff for the small size and (relative) ease of
use is restricted coverage.
- Sharsmith, Helen K., Spring Wildflowers of
the San Francisco Bay Region, University of
California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London,
- This book comes with me on almost every day
hike in the spring and summer. I haven't had much
luck using the key, but the book has enough
illustrations (including some in color), that I can
generally find the flower in question by rummaging
through the pages. The book is also useful for
refreshing my memory every spring.
- Niehaus, Theodore F., A Field Guide to
Pacific States Wildflowers, The Peterson Field
Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston,
- I've probably identified more flowers with this
book than all of the others put together. On the
other hand, I've also spent more time crouching by
the side of the trail, leafing desperately through
this book, and slowly becoming more and more
frustrated with my inability to find anything in
its pages that remotely resembles the flower in
front of me, than with any other field guide. I
can't use the key; I have tried to key out flowers
that I knew and wound up in the wrong plant family.
The organization of flowers by color and number of
petals works fairly well for me.
- Sims, Lee, Shrubs of Henry W. Coe State
Park, Pine Ridge Association, Morgan Hill, CA,
- This is a pamphlet put together by volunteers
at Coe State Park. This is a handy book: shrubs
tend to slip between the cracks, not being annual
wildflowers or trees. (I wish someone would put
together an equivalent book for the Santa Cruz
- Story, Tracy I., and Robert L. Usinger,
Sierra Nevada Natural History, University of
California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London,
- This book is useful on hikes in the East Bay
hills, as well as the Sierra. It provides more
detailed information about plants than the guides
above, and it also covers wildlife, from bugs to
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Related Stories
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Wildflower and Plant Guides - Web and
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