The Trail Companion
Spring 2000
Theme: San Francisco Bay Area
Wildflower and Plant Guides
Web and Electronic Resources
While not as useful on the trail as a good field
guide, you may also be interested in the following
online sites:
- Wildflower Hotsheet
- This site hosted on the Picture This commercial
site features tips on where to find wildflowers
across California. The main site also hosts several
other similar lists, including "Bay Area Ramblings"
- tips on great places to photograph wildlife and
landscapes. Nice collection of photos.
- Vascular Plants of California:
Checklist and distribution maps of taxa covered by
the Jepson Manual
- Useful in conjunction with the Jepson Manual;
requires scientific genus or species name.
- CalFlora Database Project
- This project hosted by the UC Berkeley Digital
Library Project includes four databases on all the
8375 currently recognized vascular plants in
California, over 670,000 plant observation records,
and over 20,000 photos: Species (search by common,
scientific or family name, location, elevation,
plant community, etc.), Occurrence (distribution
maps, similar to Jepson maps), Synonomyms (find
current and older scientific names) and CalPhotos:
Plants (search by common or scientific name,
location, color, etc.). A search by species usually
yields one or more photos, synonyms and maps.
Amazing site!
And also of interest:
- Dianne Fristrom, John Game and Glen Keator.
Wildflowers of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Iris Press, 1998.
- An interactive CD-ROM containing photos and
information on hundreds of Bay Area wildflowers,
including detailed locations. Browse by family and
species, with information on each family. Also
includes fourteen wildflower hikes. See the online site for more
information and examples. [suggested by Dave
Related Stories
Six Sure-Fire Wildflower Hikes
A Few More Flower Tips
Wildflower and Plant Guides - Web and Electronic

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