The Trail Companion
Spring 2000
Wild Lit
A Note from the Literary Editor
by Geoffrey Skinner
In this issue, we feature new works by two
California poets:
Monte Bello - Devavani Chatterjea-Matthes
After a Measured Cup of Warming Brandy - Tim
...and an essay on encounters along the trail at
Point Lobos State Preserve by Texas writer
Christopher Woods:
Comings and Goings - Christopher Woods
As literary editor,
I am seeking submissions of poetry on themes of
trails, parks, wilderness and the outdoors or
human-powered recreation in the outdoors--hiking,
horses, biking, climbing, camping, etc. Geographic
settings should focus on the Bay Area, but other
areas of California and the West are acceptable.
Poems should be no more than a 30 lines. No
compensation is available, but we will send two paper
copies of the issue in which the poem(s) appear.
Copyright reverts to the author upon publication
(pieces included in the online version by permission
of their respective authors).
Short prose pieces on
the same themes are also welcome.
Deadline for
submission for the Summer 2000 issue is Friday, June
2nd, 2000. Submissions may be sent via e-mail to
info@trailcenter.org (please include in body of
message) or mailed to the Trail Center.

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Trail Center. All rights reserved.
Please contact the Web
Manager for corrections or comments.