The Trail Companion
Spring 2000
Park News
Windy Hill Open Space Preserve
The Town of Portola Valley plans more roadwork on Alpine
Road this summer and will also repair the Eagle Trail,
which parallels Alpine and connects Razorback Ridge Trail
with Hamms Gulch Trail. The trail has been largely closed
since El Nino storms washed out major stretches. Kevin
Rohani, Public Works Director for PV, said that work on the
road and the trail would occur between mid-July and
November. Due to the nature of the work, the Eagle Trail,
as well as portions of Alpine Road between Meadowbrook Dr.
and Joaquin Rd. will be once again closed off.
Alpine Road/Coal Creek Open Space Preserve
Repairs to the large slide that destroyed a section of
the dirt portion of Alpine Road between Joaquin Rd. and
Page Mill Road remain as a low priority to San Mateo
County, but John Escobar of MROSD reports that plans for
improving the singletrack bypass will go before the Board
of Directors soon. He expects work to take place in late
summer or fall, depending on approval and staff
availability. The existing trail is a very steep and badly
eroded informal trail that has been the only means of
access for several years.
Alum Rock Park
The Santa Clara County Open Space Authority board
members voted in favor of a plan to purchase the Kirk
property, a 534 acre parcel which lies to the north of San
Jose’s Alum Rock Park (which is 720 acres in size).
The open space board hopes that the city of San Jose may
help out with the pur-chase and/or patrolling of the
prop-erty, but the city seems to be resisting, partially
due to waiting for the completion of a plan for city parks,
due in August.

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