The Trail Companion
Winter 2001
Education Stations "Smooth" the Trails
By Rod Brown and Jim Owen.
Multi-use trails provide many benefits for
responsible users: they give all users a reason to
support our parks and preserves, they foster positive
relationships between user groups, and they minimize
environmental impact by dispersing users as widely as
possible. But, these benefits can be upset when
ignorant or irresponsible users break park rules,
disregard other users, or act unsafely or impolitely.
Though usually only a small fraction of any user
population, a few such actions can cause bad
relationships between user groups, evoke restrictive
measures from land managers, and cause stereotyping
of user groups.
ROMP, the Responsible
Organized Mountain Pedalers, a mountain bike advocacy
organization for the Peninsula and South Bay, has
taken up the challenge of changing these behaviors
where they exist in the local off-road cycling
community. One of ROMP's primary goals is to promote
responsible cycling, and ROMP has actively pursued
this through the use of trail education stations.
Awareness is the first step toward increasing
knowledge and changing behaviors, and education
stations are very helpful in creating awareness of
trail issues and starting the previously unaware user
on the road toward knowledge and responsible
Our process is pretty
simple: after getting permission from the land
manager, we set up a table near a parking area or
trail head, staff it with a few volunteers, hang a
banner to draw attention, then start chat-ting with
different users as they walk by. The volunteers may
talk generally of good trail etiquette and safe
cycling, distributing literature to those who want to
learn more, or they may focus on specific issues
related to an area, such as wet trail conditions,
proper passing techniques, or appropriate riding
speed. In general, working at a trail education
station is fun: the worker gets a chance to meet a
variety of trail users of all types, to participate
in some interesting conversations, and usually a few
hours to enjoy the park or preserve after his or her
work is done. Although directed at cyclists, these
stations usually generate interest and positive
reactions from all users. Furthermore,this technique
has been used by cycling and non-cycling groups in
margr other areas to support other environmental
During the prime
recreational season, ROMP generally holds education
stations at least monthly. This year, we had booths
at Stevens Creek County Park, Alum Rock County Park,
Purisima Creek Open Space Preserve, St. Joseph's Hill
Open Space Preserve, and Fremont Older Open Space
Preserve. If you would like to help with future
education stations, learn more about local cycling
advocacy, or learn more about ROMP, please visit the
website at or contact us at 408-380-2271, ext.
2171 or by
Rod Brown is the President of
ROMP, and Jim Owen is
ROMP's Trail Education Coordinator.

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