The Trail Companion
Winter 2001
"Dish" Argument Continues on New Terrain
By Ben Crowell.
The "Dish Area" is a popular location on the Stanford
campus where many students and members of the community
enjoy beautiful landscape and recreational trails. The
foothills have been a haven for joggers and nature-lovers
for many years. Recently, however, the Dish has become
entangled in a web of controversy. Due to the area's
overwhelming popularity, the issue of conservation versus
recreation has polarized many organizations within the
community. Many joggers claim their right to explore the
foothills on less-traveled paths while environmentalists
fight to save the habitat of several rare species.
In response to these
issues, the University introduced a "Three-Part
Conservation and Use Plan for the Stanford Dish Area" on
May 2, 2000, which has since been implemented as Stanford's
official policy. This plan attempts to preserve the
foothills and continue recreational use. First of all, the
plan designates several hundred acres of the area as
preserved land for "habitat conservation." This land can be
used for academic purposes but not for development of any
kind. Next, the plan institutes a program of
California tiger salamander
(Ambystoma californiense) |
Photo by Gerald and Buff Corsi, California Academy of
Sciences. Source: Amphibia Web: Ambystoma californiense. Used by
In other words, damaged areas will be re-vegetated and
"unapproved structures" will be removed. Also, the habitats
of native species will be restored and preserved (this
includes vernal pools for the California Tiger Salamander).
Last of all, the policy places certain limitations on
recreational use. Perhaps most importantly, hiking and
jogging is limited to the so-called "Dish Loop," picnics
and other social events are prohibited, dogs are not
permitted on the premises, and access to the dish is
reduced to the hours between dawn and a half an hour before
The University's primary
goal is to reach an effective compromise between
conservation and recreation. Though most recreational uses
of the Dish have been limited, they have not been
restricted. Also, leashed dogs were allowed on the grounds
until the University learned that a majority of dogs in the
foothills were running freely. The University argues that
unleashed dogs pursue, frighten, and often kill small,
threatened species. Current Stanford President John
Hennessy states, "In a survey conducted in the summer, more
dogs were off-leash than on-leash …[additionally],
the California tiger salamander, which we are a host of, is
a candidate for being listed as an endangered species . . .
we must come up with a plan that would conserve and restore
the environment of the Dish area."
The May 2, 2000 plan has
been implemented and in use since September 1. At this
point, Stanford has taken the necessary steps to enforce
the new policy, as well as implement a few decisions not
originally included in the policy. For example, Stanford
recently decided to repave the entire Dish Loop and post
fifty-five signs along its edges in order to keep joggers
on the main trail. Also, Stanford recently agreed to leave
the foothills undeveloped for a minimum of twenty-five
years. There is no disputing that the plan sacrifices, to
some extent, recreation for conservation and academic use.
The Plan states, "The conservation and use plan outlined
here seeks to accommodate academic uses, sound conservation
practices, and recreational uses. Should these interests
conflict, priority will be given to conservation and
academic objectives." Conservationists support Stanford's
plan but assert that the May 2 policy is nothing new.
According to Alan Launer of the Center for Conservation
Biology, joggers have always been restricted to one main
trail, and the Dish Area, contrary to popular belief, was
never open after dark. However, conservationists definitely
support the University's decision to ban dogs and to
postpone the possibility of development for twenty-five
years. They argue that unleashed dogs are a menace to the
threatened species of the area, but if owners could keep
their dogs on leashes, a ban would not be necessary. As far
as paving the Dish Loop is concerned, many conservationists
actually favor asphalt-paved trails in many instances. Some
ecologists argue that asphalt trails halt erosion and
prevent the spread of undesirable weed species. In
addition, Mr. Launer reminds us that the University
recently repaved ninety-five percent of an access road that
has "been paved for decades." In other words,
conservationists do not understand the recent wave of
complaints over Stanford's "new" policy. They assert that
most of these regulations have always been in place and
that environmental protection and academic use should
certainly take priority over any recreational use. Once
again, Mr. Launer states, "People need to remember that the
Dish is not a park. If people remember that then many of
the policies make sense."
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