The Trail Companion
Winter 2001
Letter from the Trail Center
By Scott Heeschen.
Welcome to the first issue of our newsletter this
year. It's larger than most because we're including
an activity schedule for the whole year and a contact
list of organizations leading hikes, trailbuilds and
other trail-related events. We're also including the
second part of Brian Kunde's article
on the history of parks and open space in the Bay
The theme of this
issue, however, is giving back to the parks in ways
other than building trails. One of those ways is by
educating the visitors to those parks. By doing so,
you can help others gain a deeper appreciation for
the plants and animals that live in the area, or the
natural history that has shaped the region. There are
many ways of learning and teaching this knowledge,
and one of the more organized ways is by becoming a
docent. We've got two articles this issue de-scribing
the docent programs at Edgewood County Preserve and
at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. Another way of
educating trail users is talking to them about being
responsible for their actions while on the trail.
Rod Brown and Jim
Owen discuss ROMP's efforts to educate in
their article.
Also in this issue we
feature two contributions from students in Stanford's
Community Service Writing
Program - a part of the University's Program in
Writing and Critical Thinking. The CSW provides an
opportunity for students to connect with area
non-profits and gain some experience in "real world"
writing, from grant proposals to web pages, and from
brochures to newsletters. We expect to feature more
work from this program in future issues.
I'm also happy to make
some new introductions. We've got two new editors for
this newsletter, Mary Simpson and
Megan Hansen. I certainly appreciate
their help in getting the articles ready for
publication, and for proofreading. Mary is an outdoor
enthusiast originally from Wasilla, Alaska. She is
currently working as a technical writer in Santa
Clara. Megan is a poet and proofreader newly wed and
newly transplanted from Ogden, Utah. She and her
husband Brian make their home in Palo Alto.
Morris has also signed on as our new
outreach coordinator. She will be emailing volunteers
and responding to phone calls about our events. In
her own words: "I am a California native who grew up
in a family of outdoor enthusiasts. I enjoy being
outdoors - either hiking or playing at the beach with
my favorite canine companion, Cody. I also lead Farm
Tours at Hidden Villa (an Educational Organic Farm in
Los Altos) and do volunteer work for Common Ground
Organic Garden Supply and Education Center in Palo
Skinner, our president, has been acting in
the role of outreach coordinator lately, and Amy's
timing was very fortuitous. Geoffrey has begun the
Master's of Library and Information Science program
at San Jose State, and has less time to devote to the
Trail Center.
A new map case! About
a year or so ago, we stopped distributing maps out of
our office - we had no office staff for people to
visit if they wanted to pick up maps, nor did the
Board have the time to handle map orders by mail.
Since then, we've been discussing how to distribute
the free maps that we used to carry, and decided that
a map rack outside our office would work. Well, the
project grew and continued, and now we have a
wonderful map case on the first floor at the
Peninsula Conservation Center (PCC). Long-time
volunteer Bill Henzel contributed
many days of effort to create the beautiful case
(thank you, Bill!) and we're currently in the process
of stocking it. We hope to eventually be able to
offer all the free maps for the area, and they'll be
available during the PCC's normal business hours.
We'll send out more news when it's all stocked!

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Trail Center. All rights reserved.
Please contact the Web
Manager for corrections or comments.