The Trail Companion
Winter 2001
Park News
State Parks
The California State Park budget has been increased for
the year 2001. The extra funding will go towards more land
purchases and repairs of current facilities. Also, entrance
fees to state parks are being cut in half, if not more.
Former $6 entrance fees are now $3, and former $5 fees are
$2. Several other fees are being reduced or eliminated. The
increase in funding is due to several factors, including
the good economy, the Proposition 12 bond act approved last
March, and Governor Davis' friendliness towards parks.
Henry Coe State Park
The annual Coe Backcountry Weekend, held in the little-
traveled east side of the 83,600 acre park is scheduled for
April 28-29, 2001. This event, sponsored by the Pine Ridge
Association, allows visitors vehicle access to a remote and
beautiful area. Entry for the weekend is by reservation
only. Flyers announcing the event and providing an
application form are available at the
Henry Coe Park web site; the REI stores in Berkeley, San
Carlos, and Cupertino; Silacci's Feed Barn in Gilroy;
Gunther's Feed Store in Morgan Hill; FISCO Farm 8e Home
Store in Modesto; and at the Coe Park Visitor Center.
Written requests for applications (self-addressed tamped
business envelopes included) should be addressed to
Application Forms, Coe Sector Office, S7SO Obata Way, Suite
A., Gilroy, CA 9SO20
Applications and entry fees,
$10.00 per vehicle for day use, $20.00 per vehicle for
overnight, must be postmarked by SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2001.
One vehicle per application, please. We strongly encourage
car pooling. A random drawing will be held to meet the 350
vehicles per day space limitation. All unsuccessful
application forms will be re-turned with their checks to
the applicants. No dogs are allowed. Camp stoves will be
permitted, but no open fires, barbecues, or hibachis. A
group campfire will be held on Saturday night.
Packard Foundation
In 1998, the Packard Foundation set a goal of preserving
250,000 acres of open space, wildlife habitat and farmland
in California over 5 years. The foundation has already met
this goal, conserving 327,000 acres. Due to that success,
the foundation has increased its land conservation goals to
preserve 500,000 acres by 2003. The foundation has been
focusing on three main areas: the central coast, the
Central Valley and the Sierra Nevada. For more information,
visit the foundation's website.

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