The Trail Companion
Winter 2001
Trail Center Notes
Trail Construction and Maintenance
When we rerouted major portions of Mapache Trail, the
creek was a long way away from the trail, but an amazing
amount of
The new retaining wall on Mapache
Trail. |
Photo by Geoffrey Skinner
silt has come down the canyon since 1996 and water covered
a stretch of trail during last year's floods. To address
this problem, the trail raising crew built a 30-foot long,
15" high retaining wall and moved a couple of tons of
gravel and sand. Fortunately, the quarry was only a few
feet away in the streambed. The big crew made rotations
easy, but it was still a big job and we were glad to dump
the final wheelbarrow load.
The maintenance crew
reported the rest of Mapache Trail looked good after they
cleared brush and fixed various tread problems. The bridges
still stand and are still well above the streambeds.
Community Impact provided
lunch for everyone and throughout the day, Preserve
Director Philippe Cohen treated everyone to tours of the
Jasper Ridge Global Climate Change project.
Thank you, Jasper Ridge
volunteers! Ed Alderman, Rich Allsop, Sioux Ammerman,
Stacey Baba, Nicholas Chen, Paul Childs, Patrick Chye,
Teodoro Cipresso, Karyn Cipresso, Dave Croker, Max
Dangerfield, Steve Dill, Doug Dull, Alex Fabrikant, Patty
Ferrari, Scott Heeschen, Alan Hshieh, Francis Hsu, Jennifer
Hsu, Marilyn Hyde, Jan Johnson, Peter Johnson, Mehboob
Kadri, Ken Koll, Matt Koll, James Liu, Josh Martin, Tracy
Moore, Nelson Oliver, Pat Oren, Marissa Pagsishan, Jeanie
Phan, Darwin Poulos, Rob Rocha, Aaron Schuman, Cynthia
Marshall Schuman, Terry Simpson, Geoffrey Skinner, Roger
Tan, George Taylor, Katherine Thomas, Julie Tindall, Chun
Tse, Jim Vokac, Greg Werner, Pat Wiggins, Jennifer
Williams, Byron Yu.
Hakone Gardens
Roughly 25 energetic trailbuilders met in the morning at
Hakone Gardens in Saratoga to give the Hakone Wilderness
Trail some tender loving care. We had built the trail
roughly seven years ago, and most of it was holding up very
Solving the Culvert
Problem |
Photo by Geoffrey Skinner
A large culvert uphill of the trail was obviously dumping
tons of water onto the trail in heavy rains. While we were
originally constructing the trail, the culvert had been
inactive. Now it was very active. We scrounged the hillside
for rocks to construct a rock culvert to allow water to
drain underneath the trail. Scavenging the hillside for
rocks and coming up with the plan occupied an entire crew
for the day. Other crews installed draindips and brushed
out other sections of the trail that had become overgrown.
We finished all the work we had set out to do just as we
were running out of energy - perfect timing!
Thank you, Hakone volunteers! Matt
Bandura, Steve Bell, Bill Brune, Eric Brune, Sierra Brune,
Danae Clark, Peter Corsius, David Croker, Tracy Eastvold,
Joy Eduaorte, Brinnger Galimba, Scott Heeschen, Mike
Ivanov, Justin Knowles, Lucas Morton, Kim Ninh, Jeannie
Pha, Darwin Poulos, Cathy Sewell, Geoffrey Skinner, Doug
Sonoit, Katherine Thomas, Julie Tindall, David Ulrich, Nick
Volunteer Appreciation, Tool Party and Annual
A group of mostly Crew Leaders and Trainees ably
sharpened, repaired and cleaned tools, and spiffed up the
tool trailer on November 5th. Without the punishment of
Castle Rock or similar projects, most of our tools were in
better shape than usual, with some notable exceptions. We
followed the Tool Party with some Volunteer Appreciation
pizza, other goodies and thank-you's all around. At the
Annual Meeting, after a suspenseful election, members
unanimously approved Geoffrey for another term on the Board
and he made a brief address on the State of the Trail
Center. Finally, we relaxed with a dazzling show of
wildflower and landscape photography by Dave Croker, Alan
Justice and Darwin Poulous.
Thank you, Tool Party volunteers!
Rich Allsop, Dave Croker, Scott Heeschen, Bill Henzel, Alan
Justice, Tim Oren, Pat Oren, Darwin Poulos, Alan Ross,
Geoffrey Skinner, Julie Tindall.
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