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Trail Building Projects
Acorn Trail
Arastradero Preserve (Palo Alto, CA)
- 1. Maintenance: Now that the new
trail segment has been packed down, we will improve the
drainage and tread, including widening some areas, as
well as minor brush removal. The segment is currently
closed for wet weather. [Completed March 10].
2. New Trail Construction: With the
completion of the Arastradero Preserve Trails Master
Plan, we are ready to begin work a reroute project on the
other steep section of Acorn Trail. This segment travels
between the old barn site at the top of Meadowlark Trail
and Sobey Pond on Corte Madera Trail. The current trail
is extremely steep and very difficult to traverse even
under dry conditions. The new trail will feature a much
gentler grade as it switches down the side of the ridge,
traveling to the northeast of the existing trail. See the
Arastradero 2001 Project Information Sheet for more
3. Fall Maintenance: In conjunction
with REI and the Arastradero Preserve Stewardship
Project, we are restoring an unwanted trail to a natural
state and improving a segment of the northern Acorn
Background for maintenance
project: We rerouted a section of the steep
and eroded Acorn Trail, near the Corte Madera Trail, in
2000. The Acorn Trail is a primary loop trail for the
Preserve, but many sections are steep and badly eroded.
The segment is gentler than the existing one, and takes
hikers, bicyclists and equestrians through pleasant oak
and bay woodland, rather than straight down a steep
Note: Poison oak
is present on this project and some of the work involves
pruning back or removing poison oak. We will, however,
run a PO-free trail crew.
Directions: From I-280, take Page Mill
Road west and turn right on Arastradero Road. Go 1/4 mile
to the Preserve parking lot to sign in. Additional
parking is available along Arastradero Road between Page
Mill Road and the Palo Alto City Limits sign and at the
Page Mill Park & Ride at I-280.
- March 10, 2001 - Saturday (rain date: March 17)
- Activity: 1) repairing tread; clearing brush
and a small amount of poison oak; and
2)new trail construction on a segment of Acorn
Trail; clearing brush, some construction. Poison
oak present. [Completed]
- April 22, 2001 - Sunday
- Earth Day/California Trail Days! Activity:
new trail construction on Acorn trail; treadwork;
clearing brush; Possible trail maintenance
elsewhere. See flyer for more details.
Photos available!
- May 12, 2001 - Saturday
- Activity: Switchback and bridge construction on a segment of Acorn Trail - 25 volunteer
maximum for trail work; additional volunteers needed for habitat restoration. [Completed]
- June 2, 2001 - Saturday
- National Trails Day! Activity: complete new trail construction on a segment of Acorn Trail;
tread construction and habitat restoration. [Completed]
- June 15, 2001 - Wednesday
- Install a culvert at the bottom of the Acorn reroute. [Completed]
- Oct. 27, 2001 - Saturday
- REI Community Service Day! Activity: Close an
unwanted trail and restore to a natural state;
improve a segment of the northern Acorn Trail
loop. Please see the
flyer for more details.
Our 2000 four-day project was
completed with the help of more than 140 volunteers. See
also the Earth Day 2000/California Trail Days - National
Trails Day
flyer that appeared in our Spring 2000
An aerial photo of the 2000 project
(also the site of the March 10, 2001 project), including
trail names and project features; and aerial photo and topographical map of the 2001
project, including trail names, are available. The City of Palo Alto's site includes a
map of the preserve. You may also wish to see a MapQuest map of the Preserve and
surrounding area.
Further details on the 2000
project in the Arastradero 2000 Project Information Sheet

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