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Tool Party and Annual Meeting

Every November members of the Trail Center gather to scrub, sharpen, wash and paint the tools and equipment we use during the year for our monthly builds.

This fun event combines work, cameraderie, good food and entertainment to accomplish the necessary tasks required to keep our mattocks, McLeods, picks and shovels in top condition.

All Trail Center members are invited to come and participate. The annual meeting and officer elections are held after the tools are put away. The day ends with a special presentation by one of the Trail Center members or a guest speaker.

Location: Palo Alto, California - Annual Tool Party

Directions: From 101 exit west onto Oregon Expressway in Palo Alto. At the third stoplight take a right turn onto Louis and continue to the stop sign. Make a left turn onto Northern California, and take the first right onto Barbara Drive.

From 280 and Page Mill Expressway, head east to Oregon Expressway. After crossing El Camino, head about 4 or 5 blocks to Middlefield Avenue and take a left turn. Head north on Middlefield about two blocks and take a right turn onto Northern California, which is at the corner of Jordan School. Head east on Northern California past Newell and then make a left on Barbara Drive, which ends by Stratford School.

The location is 2019 Barbara Drive, Palo Alto, California. Contact Hank Magnuski (650) 328-8230 for more information.

Agency: Trail Center

Supervisor: Dave Croker

Project Lead: Hank Magnuski

Additional Information: Bring work gloves, rags, electric drills with brush attachments (if you have such equipment), high spirits, good stories and some friends.

Saturday, November 20, 2010 - Tool Repair and Trailer Cleanup

Activities: Work will start around 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. and continue until done. The Annual Meeting is planned to start at 4:00 pm. Pizza's on at 5:00 pm. Snacks are provided and there will be a special presentation at the end of the day.

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Copyright © Trail Center. All rights reserved.

Please contact the Web Manager for corrections or comments. Updated 14 Nov 2010

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