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Trail Building Projects
Trail Repair at Portola Redwoods State
- We successfully repaired numerous segments of
Coyote Ridge and Upper Coyote Ridge, Summit and
Slate Creek Trails on our first two Portola trail
day of the year. We plan to repair more sections of
Slate Creek Trail in November. Near Slate Creek
Trail Camp, a winter seep causes a section of the
trail to be virtually unpassable; we plan to
construct a puncheon (raised walkway) to allow
hikers to cross and to reduce erosion. The trail
has also been damaged by pigs, especially near the
Slate Creek Trail Camp. We will restore the trails
to full width, remove debris, and improve drainage
in numerous spots to prevent further erosion. The
trails are in a beautiful location in the
A Project
Information Sheet for this event is
available. For more information about Portola
Redwoods State Park, see the California State Parks
website or the Virtual Parks page (includes
park map and additional links).
Directions: From the Page
Mill/Skyline Blvd/Alpine intersection, take Alpine
Road southwest for 3.1 miles to the left turnoff
onto Portola State Park Rd. Continue 3.4 miles to
park office in the visitor center, and then
continue on main park road. We'll meet at the
parking for the amphitheater (opposite the group
picnic area). Allow 20 minutes travel time from
Skyline Blvd. -- please note that Alpine Road
CANNOT be taken from I-280; take
Hwy 84 (Woodside Rd.) or Page Mill Rd if coming
from the Peninsula; take Hwy 9 from the south.
Entrance fees will be waived for registered
participants. For a map with driving directions,
see the MapQuest map of the
- Saturday, November 18, 2000
- Slate Creek Trail
In case of rain, this event will be
rescheduled for Saturday, Dec.
- Activities: Puncheon construction,
clearing brush, reworking trail tread,
installing drain dips
Information on
selected past projects available from the Project
Information index.
See our Calendar & Activity
Guide for additional volunteer

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Trail Center. All rights reserved.
Please contact the Web
Manager for corrections or comments.