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Project Information Sheet

Trail 12 (Mapache Trail)

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve
(Stanford University)

Background: The Mapache Trail is part of a network of trails in the preserve, one which is used by both researchers and docent-led groups. The trail skirts a silted-up area near Searsville Lake, and actually passes through a number of areas which are wet or are underwater through portions of the winter. The largest wet area contains a great many willows which tend to overtake the trail or fall onto the trail, thereby necessitating a great deal of maintenance each year. The swampy area is the site of important bird counts, so access must be retained, but the project will move the trail uphill and out of the wet area.

      Project Description: The project consists of four separate sections (from north to south):

      Area 1. Approx. 150 ft. Reroute moves creek crossing upstream to avoid ponding and to decrease grade on either side of creek. Extensive brushing through poison oak. Small bridge or culvert may be installed later.

      Area 2. Approx. 50 ft. Reroute uphill to avoid ponding in current location. Little brushing required. French drain or culvert may be installed where reroute crosses a small slump.

      Area 3. Approx. 300 ft. Reroute moves creek crossing upstream. Moderate brushing required (some poison oak). No switchbacks. Some rock. Bridge will be constructed later.

      Area 4. Approx. 1100 ft. Reroute uphill to avoid swampy area. Heavy chaparral, some poison oak on hillside; willows in wet area. Route follows old fence line; fence posts must not be disturbed (wires can be cut). 1 switchback. Long bridge to be constructed later.

      Technical Specifications:

      Trail Width: 3 ft.

      Maximum Grade: 10%

      Outslope: 2-3% (standard)

      Flagging: At grade level

      Hazards and Other Considerations: poison oak, wasps (possible), old fence posts, woodrat dens (should not be disturbed if possible due to new Hantavirus protocol)

      Expected Number of Workdays: 5-6

      Access to Worksite: Gate locked at all times; entry possible only at designated time or by special arrangment. Gate will permit exit at any time. Access to preserve at other times available only by arrangment and in the company of docents.

      Water, Restrooms, Picnic Area: Docent Center

      Emergency: 911 from phones at Docent Center and at Main Gate

      Nearest Hospital: Stanford Hospital. Leave Main Gate, turn right and travel approx. 3.5 mi. east on Sand Hill Rd. to Pasteur Drive. Follow signs to Emergency.

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