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Project Information Sheet
Trail Maintenance
Portola Redwoods State Park
Summer 2000
Many trails in Portola Redwoods State Park have
suffered from feral pig damage, winter storm erosion
and deferred maintenance. Some of the trails are
quite steep, compounding the erosion problems.
On successive
California Trail Days in 1992-1993 and again in 1995,
Trail Center volunteers helped build Upper Coyote
Ridge Trail, which connects the Tarwater Gap parking
in Pescadero County Park to Coyote Ridge Trail (CCC
crews completed the southern half).
Project Description:
Coyote Ridge Trail and Upper Coyote
Ridge Trail (July 15, 2000): We
repaired several segments on Coyote Ridge
Trail(western leg) between the Visitor's Center and
the Upper Coyote Ridge junction (approximately 200
feet total), primarily by clearing out debris on the
inside of the trail tread and clearing brush. Severe
outslope in several locations had made walking the
trail difficult and were brought back to a gentle
outslope. We also cleared approximately 150 feet of
brush on Upper Coyote Ridge Trail and increased the
trail to full width near the point where the trail
crosses over the ridgetop, 1/2 mile from the Tarwater
Gap parking. north end
Slate Creek Trail and Summit Trail
(August 19, 2000): We cleared the trail
in numerous places along Summit Trail and Slate Creek
Trail between the Summit Trail junction and Slate
Creek Trail Camp. We cleared out debris accumulated
on the inside of the trail, repaired retaining walls
and eroded areas.
Slate Creek Trail (November 18,
2000): We will construct a 30 foot
puncheon across a boggy section of Slate Creek Trail
between the Summit Trail junction and Slate Creek
Trail Camp. We will clear out debris accumulated on
the inside of the trail and repair eroded areas.
For the original project announcement, see:
Slate Creek Trail repair, Portola Redwoods State
Technical Specifications:
- Trail Width: 2.5-4 ft.
- Maximum Grade: existing grade
for maintenance
- Outslope: 2-3% (standard)
- Flagging: At grade level
(consult crew leader)
- Hazards and Other
Considerations: poison oak, wasps
(possible), ticks.
- Total Distance: Approx. 800
- Structures required: Retaining
walls (repair)
- Expected Number of Workdays:
- Access to Worksite and
Parking: Parking for July 15 at Madrone
Day-Use parking; parking for Aug. 19 at day-use
parking near amphitheater, 1/4 mile past Visitor's
- Water, Restrooms, Picnic Area:
Water and restrooms at parking areas or at
Visitor's Center
- Emergency:
911 from phone at Visitor's Center (cell phones may
not work in park)
Hospital: Stanford Hospital. Take
Portola State Park Road to Alpine Road and travel
3 mi. to Hwy 35. Cross Hwy 35 and take Page Mill
Road to I-280 entrance. Take I-280 2 mi. north to
Alpine Rd. exit; go right on Alpine and travel 2
mi. to Sand Hill Rd. Turn right and travel 1.5
mi. Stanford Hospital entrance and follow signs
to Emergency.
Alternatively, from Hwy 35 intersection, take
Hwy 35 north to Hwy 84 (Woodside Road) and go
right for 3.5 miles. Turn right on Portola Valley
Road and go 1.5 miles to Sand Hill Road; turn
left and travel 5.5 miles to the Stanford
Hospital entrance and follow signs to
Driving Directions: From the
Page Mill/Skyline Blvd/Alpine intersection, take
Alpine Road southwest for 3.1 miles to the left
turnoff onto Portola State Park Rd. Continue 3.4
miles to park office in the visitor center, and
then continue on main park road. We'll meet at
the parking for the amphitheater (opposite the
group picnic area). Allow 20 minutes travel time
from Skyline Blvd. -- please note that Alpine
Road CANNOT be taken from I-280;
take Hwy 84 (Woodside Rd.) or Page Mill Rd if
coming from the Peninsula; take Hwy 9 from the

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Trail Center. All rights
Please contact the Web
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