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Project Information Sheet
Trail Maintenance
Skyline Trail, Sanborn-Skyline County
Fall 2000
Skyline Trail parallels Highway 35 (Skyline
Boulevard) from the northwest corner of the park
south to the Sunnyvale Mountain Picnic Area, with
connections to the interior of Sanborn-Skyline via
the Sanborn Trail and with Castle Rock at various
points. It also serves as segment of the Bay Area
Ridge Trail. Although the northern end is more
heavily used, the southern end from the Sanborn Trail
junction south will see heavier use once the Ridge
Trail extension to Lake Ranch Reservoir is
constructed (expected to be completed by summer
2001). The trail is eroded and overgrown in several
places, and very narrow due to debris built up on the
Trail Center
volunteers have maintained various segments of the
Skyline Trail since 1989 and repaired the upper
portion of the Sanborn Trail in 1998. This project is
our first maintenance project on the southern end of
the Skyline Trail and serves as an introduction to
our expected Ridge Trail project.
Project Description:
Skyline Trail (south
end): Minor maintenance between Sanborn
Trail junction and midpoint between junction and
Sunnyvale Mountain, with brushing, widening and
erosion control needed at midpoint. Brushing needed
near picnic table at stone gate, 1/2 mile N of
Sunnyvale Mountain. Tread maintenance (primarily
widening) needed from picnic table to junction with
fire road, 1/4 mile N of Sunnyvale Mountain.
Sanborn Trail: Depending
on progress on Skyline Trail and availability of
crews, we will close an illegal bike trail that drops
steeply downhill approximately 100 ft. below the
junction with Skyline Trail.
Skyline Trail (Sanborn Trail to Castle
Rock): Minor maintenance between
Sanborn Trail junction and Castle Rock access,
depending on crew availability.
Technical Specifications:
- Trail Width: 2.5-4 ft.
- Maximum Grade: existing grade
for maintenance
- Outslope: 2-3% (standard)
- Flagging: At grade level
(consult crew leader)
- Hazards and Other
Considerations: poison oak, wasps
(possible), ticks.
- Total Distance: Approx. 800
- Structures required:
- Expected Number of Workdays:
- Access to Worksite and
Parking: Parking for event is at Sunnyvale
Mountain Picnic Area.
- Water, Restrooms, Picnic Area:
No water or restrooms available at picnic
- Emergency:
911 from highway call boxes located at Sunnyvale
Mountain and 1/2 mi. north on Hwy 35 (cell phones
may not work in park).
Nearest Hospital: Santa Clara
Medical Center, 900 Kiely Blvd., Santa Clara.
Travel north to Highway 9, turn right and go
through Saratoga Village; veer right to Saratoga
Ave. Travel 5.5 mi. to Kiely Boulevard; turn
sharply left and go 1.7 mi. (approx. 30 min.
travel time)
Driving Directions: From Hwy
85, take the De Anza Boulevard West exit and
travel approx. 3 mi. to the Saratoga Village.
Turn right on Highway 9 and go west approx. 7 mi.
to Highway 35 (Saratoga Gap). Turn left and
travel 7 mi. south to Sunnyvale Mountain Picnic
Area parking (on left -- look for TC signs).
Parking is limited -- carpools from Saratoga Gap

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Trail Center. All rights
Please contact the Web
Manager for corrections or comments.