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Project: Sanborn County Park

Sanborn & Skyline Trail

Activities: We will be working on two segments of trail, the Sanborn Trail and the Skyline Trail (section between the Seagraves Trailhead and Biddles Stairway). Work will consist of brushing, tread repair, debris removal, and drainage improvements.

Directions: We will be staging from Biddles Stairway on the CA-35 Highway (37.2236008, -122.0794169)


Project: Portola Valley Coal Mine Ridge

Toyon Trail

Activities: Selectively restore tread width, brush encroaching vegetation, and perform general maintenance on the northern portion of the Toyon Trail, which is part of the Coal Mine Ridge Nature Preserve and the Town of Portola Valley trails system. Re-build a switchback that needs rehabilitation.

Directions: TBD


Project: Hidden Villa

Bunny/Toyon/Pipeline Trails

Activities: Work to improve or replace retaining walls, cut bench for vista point, remove pipe

From the South:

Take Highway 280 North to the El Monte/Moody Road exit in Los Altos. Then take the second ramp to merge onto El Monte Road. Pass Foothills College and turn left on Moody Road for 1.7 miles till you see the Hidden Villa sign on the left. (26870 Moody Road)

From the North:

Take Highway 280 South to the El Monte/Moody Road exit in Los Altos. Then take the first ramp to merge onto El Monte Road. Pass Foothills College and turn left on Moody Road for 1.7 miles till you see the Hidden Villa sign on the left. (26870 Moody Road)


We’re collaborating with Santa Clara County Parks to participate in Bay Area Ridge Trail Service Day!

Location: Upper Stevens Creek County Park, where we’ll perform general brushing and tread maintenance on the Saratoga Gap Trail. We’ll be meeting at a pull out on Skyline Blvd. Details on logistics will follow.

Sign up via the Santa Clara county site:

We will continue our work on the Montara Mountain Trail, or work on a nearby trail McNee Ranch. As usual we will start at 8:30 and work until about 3. We expect the hike to our worksite to be about half a mile at most.

Volunteers need to bring: sunscreen, water, snacks and lunch, sturdy shoes (hiking boots recommended), precautions against poison oak exposure (long sleeved shirts and long pants). The Trail Center will provide gloves, tools and crew leaders to direct your work, and refreshments at the end of the day. Trail Center strongly recommends that all volunteers be fully vaccinated.

Plan an early start for your drive as this is a popular area.
Directions/parking: Carpooling highly recommended! Drive to pull-out on east side of Highway 1 with sign “Montara State Beach - McNee Ranch” 8.1 mi north of the junction of Hwy 92 and Hwy 1, or about 10 mi south of the junction of Hwy 35 and Hwy 1.
Proceed through the yellow gate, go about 0.2 mi to ranger house and look for directions on parking near the house. We will be shuttled to the trailhead on North Peak Access Road, so plan to stay for the day.

We will continue brushing, drain work, and tread improvements on the Montara Mountain Trail, a State Park priority due to community complaints about trail conditions. As usual we will start at 8:30 and work until about 3. We expect the hike to our worksite to be about half a mile at most.

Volunteers need to bring: sunscreen, water, snacks and lunch, sturdy shoes (hiking boots recommended), precautions against poison oak exposure (long sleeved shirts and long pants). The Trail Center will provide gloves, tools and crew leaders to direct your work, and refreshments at the end of the day. Trail Center strongly recommends that all volunteers be fully vaccinated.

Plan an early start for your drive as this is a popular area.
Directions/parking: Carpooling highly recommended! Drive to pull-out on east side of Highway 1 with sign “Montara State Beach - McNee Ranch” 8.1 mi north of the junction of Hwy 92 and Hwy 1, or about 10 mi south of the junction of Hwy 35 and Hwy 1.
Proceed through the yellow gate, go about 0.2 mi to ranger house and look for directions on parking near the house. We will be shuttled to the trailhead on North Peak Access Road, so plan to stay for the day.

Details - Razorback Ridge Trail

It's back to Windy Hill Razorback Ridge trail! Trail Center will work with Midpen on this trail. This work day has an early start: 8 am. Please note that the work includes a hike down the trail and back up, so it is a rigorous day.

Meet at the Corte Madera School at 4575 Alpine Rd. Portola Valley, CA 94028. For the exact meeting location, copy and paste this Google Plus Code in to a new browser: 9Q9Q+5C Portola Valley, California

Participants will be shuttled in MidPen and Trail Center vehicles to the bottom of Razorback Ridge Trail. Participants will hike up to 0.5 mile up the trail to start, and work on the trail as they hike down towards the trailhead and shuttled back to their vehicles at the end of the day.

Additional Information:
Volunteers need to bring: sunscreen, water, snacks and lunch, sturdy shoes (hiking boots recommended), precautions against poison oak exposure (long sleeved shirts and long pants), your own gloves. (Trail Center can also provide gloves). The Trail Center will provide tools and crew leaders to direct your work, and refreshments at the end of the day.

Project: Edgewood

Sylvan Trail

Activities: For our next work day we will return to Edgewood Park in Redwood City, continuing our work from last May to widen the Sylvan Trail. This time we will start at the very beginning of the trail, and will need to be careful of some endangered flowering plants; they will be pin-flagged.

As usual we will start at 8:30 and work until about 3.
Volunteers need to bring: sunscreen, water, snacks and lunch, sturdy shoes (hiking boots recommended), precautions against poison oak exposure (long sleeved shirts and long pants). The Trail Center will provide gloves, tools and crew leaders to direct your work, and refreshments at the end of the day. Trail Center strongly recommends that all volunteers be fully vaccinated.

Directions: 10 Old Stagecoach Rd
From 280 take exit to Edgewood Rd, turn left onto Edgewood from 280 southbound/right from 280 northbound; after 1.2 miles turn right into the park. Because many visitors are expected at the park, please do not park in either public parking lot, but follow Trail Center signs to park up the side road out of the lot.


Details TBD


Additional Information:
Volunteers need to bring: sunscreen, water, snacks and lunch, sturdy shoes (hiking boots recommended), precautions against poison oak exposure (long sleeved shirts and long pants), your own gloves. (Trail Center can also provide gloves). The Trail Center will provide tools and crew leaders to direct your work, and refreshments at the end of the day.